Call for contributions
In agreement with the conference themes, papers and posters may deal with one or more of the following non-exhaustive list of topics:
- User empowerment
- User involvement
- Outcome evaluation
- Improving quality of Assistive Technology
- Assistive Technology for aging adults
- Assistive Technology for children
- Assistive Technology for cognitive support
- Assistive Technology for enhancement and/or substitution of sensory abilities
- Augmentative and alternative communication
- Assistive Technology for mobility and manipulation
- Assistive Technology for restoration and enhancement of functionalities
- Assistive Technology for rehabilitation
- Assistive Technology for support and care
- Assistive Technology and the environment
- Assistive Technology for the Activity of Daily Living (ADL)
- Assistive Technology in education and training
- Assistive Technology in the workplace
- Assistive Technology for play and involvement
- Education and training in Assistive Technology
- Design for All/Universal Design
- Design for All - User centered approaches
- Design for All - Product development
- Human/Machine interaction
- Community networks
- Standardization and effective practices
- Acceptance of different approaches to inclusion
- Designs and aesthetics of Assistive Technology devices and inclusive living environments
- High tech versus low tech
- Creative solutions for complex problems
- Penetration of Assistive Technology and integrated approaches
- Building up inclusion competence in emerging and developing countries
- Socio-economic evaluation and validation
- Changes in social systems and service delivery
- Ethics and bioethics related to Assistive Technology
- Protocols and devices for functional evaluation
- Accessibility and usability evaluation
- Interdisciplinary practices
- Biomechanics
- Robotics
- Technology transfer