
The poster area will be located within the hall at the 2nd floor, and will be open from 09:00 to 18:00 (Monday August 31st and Tuesday September 1st) and from 9:00 to 13:00 (Wednesday September 2nd).

Authors of posters are kindly asked to make themselves available to present their work and answer questions about their poster to Conference participants. It is up to the presenters to arrange the date(s) and time(s) they will be available. They may wish to indicate on the poster board when they will be available to provide brief presentations and answer questions about your poster to Conference participants.


Poster list

A Mobile Phone Wayfinding System for Visually Impaired Users
J. Coughlan and R. Manduchi
A Study on Recognition of Tactile Walking Surface Indicators by White Cane
S. Fujisawa, N. Yamada, S. Mitani, S. Ito, K. Sato and O. Sueda
Ability to Manage Everyday Technology: A Comparison of People with Dementia or Mild Cognitive Impairment and Older Adults without Cognitive Impairment
C. Malinowsky, O. Almkvist, A. Kottorp and L. Nygård
Accessible 3D Game for Visually Impaired Students
C. Sik Lányi, J. Ódor and A. Szente
Adapting Linking Rules to the International Classification of Functioning as a Method for Representing Assistive Technology Knowledge
J. Gilligan and P. Smith
An Accessible Web Searching: An On-going Research Project
M. L. Mele, S. Borsci, A. Rugo, S. Federici, G. Liotta, F. Trotta and E. Di Giacomo
M. Morandell, A. Hochgatterer, S. Dittenberger and B. Wöckl
Clinical Experiences on Computer Access by Eye Gaze for Persons with Severe Motor Disabilities and Communication Difficulties
M. Buchholz and E. Holmqvist
Development of Digital Glass System to Support Tunnel Vision Person
Y. Shimomura, H. Kawabe, T. Kimura, T. Makino, Y. Miyano and S. Hashizume
Does Electronic Assistive Technology Support Everyday Activities for People with Early Alzheimer’s Disease?
E. Lindqvist and L. Borell
Enhancing Accessibility in Mobile Navigational Services
K. Rassmus-Gröhn and C. Magnusson
Evaluation and Assistance for Disabled Persons Navigation with a Low Cost Electric Wheelchair Simulator
I. Randria, A. Abellard, M. Franceschi, P. Abellard and M. M. Ben Khelifa
Evaluation on Friction and Vibration for Sidewalk Environment - Toward Accessible and Safety Sidewalk for Pedestrians
H. Kitagawa, T. Hashizume, M. Takami and A. Mihoshi
Eye Movements in Bilingual Emergency Message Reading for Deaf People
K. Kamata, S. Yonemura and S.-I. Eitoku
Image Tool for AAC Materials
K. Kyyhkynen, M. Ylätupa and M. Ohtonen
Information and Communication Technology as a Tool to Increase Accessibility to Care
S. Söderberg and L. Skär
ITSE-Assessment Model - A Tool for Evaluating User Satisfaction with Assistive Technology
E. Lahtinen, S. Seppänen, K. Raninen, H.-G. Puurtinen and E. Ala-Uotila
Japanese Sign Language Proficiency Test and its Electrical Expansion
K. Kanda, T. Kimura, K. Morimoto and A. Ichikawa
Moving forward: AT in Egypt
E.-J. Hoogerwerf, R. Mores Thabit Abd El Malak and B. Saroufim Mina Yousif
Disability and AT-ICT in Italy, France and Holland
A. Davalli, C. Castegnaro and L. Rossi
Note Taking System Based upon “Quantity Rather Than Quality” Concept
H. Kawabe, K. Sugimori, S. Seto and Y. Shimomura
One Support and Care Getting Better Quality of his Life
C. Mirabelli, P. Casanova and G. Valdenassi
Optimized Interaction with Word Prediction List
G. Badr and M. Raynal
Portable System for Monitoring A.D.L., Including A.T. Use, in Urban Environments
R. Mayagoitia-Hill, S. Taylor-Goh, J.-M. Fernandez-de-Castro, M. Mueller, A.-P. Brondo, J. Bergmann and M. Pavlou
Sign Word Description Method for JSL Dictionaries over Internet
K. Kamata, J. Kawada and M. Kasuga
Social Activity Made Possible through Technology: Multi-Challenged Persons to Communicate / Influence their own Lives
A. Ojanen and S. Railosvuo
Technology for Elderly
B. Andersson
Technology for Elderly - Seniors and Internet
R. Dahlberg, E. Forsberg and I. Nilsson
Technology for Elderly - A Survey on 85 Years Old Persons’ Use of Hearing - Aids and Subjective Hearing Loss
R. Dahlberg and M. Öberg
Technology Meets Motor Impaired Children’s Play: The State of the Art
E. Caprino and E. Laudanna
Text Messaging with Picture Symbols – Possibilities for Persons with Cognitive and Communicative Disabilities
M. Buchholz and I. Mattsson Müller
The Influence of the Exploration Interface on Blind Subjects’ Mental Representation of Sonified Geographic Maps
F. Delogu, M. Palmiero and M. Olivetti Belardinelli
Two-input Based Procedures Using a Single Device
O. Rivera, A. Molina and I. M. Gómez
Usability Evaluation of BCIs
E. Pasqualotto, A. Simonetta, S. Federici and M. Olivetti Belardinelli
Using Plain Language (Easy-to-Read) in Network Services
S. Älli, K. Kyyhkynen and M. Ohtonen
Muscular Dystrophies Based Fitts' Model
F. Vella, J.-L. Bouraoui and N. Vigouroux
The Centro Protesi Inail’s Project “Going Back Home”
S. Amadesi, I. Giovannetti and R. Pellicciari